Strauss, Linda Leopold. Really, truly, everything's fine
Strauss, Linda Leopold. Really, truly, everything's fine. Marshall Cavendish, 2004 [0-7614-5163-3]
One night Jill hears her parents fighting and she finds out her father has been accused of robbing some jewels. He claims he is innocent but decides to move out of the house to prevent problems. Well, of course everyone finds out and tries to help the family but Jill's mother resists help, just immersing herself in her work. Jill's younger brother is confused. Jill had decided to run for class treasurer before the situation. Of course she loses. When her popular friends start avoiding her, Jill makes friends with a longer, independent girl which leads to other problems. The only way Jill (and the rest of the town) gets information about the state of the trial is through the newspapers. This story illustrates a family falling apart as it deals with trauma in its life. Please note, although the book is only 149 pages, the print is small and there is very little white space so it is a meatier read than one would initially think.