Griffiths, Andy. The day my butt went psycho!
Griffiths, Andy. The day my butt went psycho! Scholastic, 2001 [978-0439-42469-1 // 0-439-42469-0]
One night Zach's butt disconnects from him and runs away. To accept the premise of this story you have to accept that butts can disconnect from people and run away with their own legs and arms. Zach chases his butt only to find that he is organizing other butts to take over the world. Zac joins some butt catchers to stop this evil plot. They end up on an island with the "butt"cano about to explode. Griffiths uses every possible way to incorporate butts into the story. It gets kind of tiring after a while (now realize this is said by someone whose favorite birthday present was a fart CD.) The adventure of this 207 page book ends up exciting, but as a whole I just found this book silly. That is not saying it won't be read. Kids who are into bathroom humor (and we all have plenty of them) will flock to this book. When some kids saw the book on my desk, three 8th grade boys told me that they have already read it. To top this all off, there are at least two more in the series - note that this book is a complete story. Do you want to get it? That is up to you but it may draw some kids that you usually don't see -- isn't that what we want?