Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Korman, Gordon. Schooled

Korman. Gordon. Schooled. Hyperion, 2007 [978-078685692-3 // 078685692-0]
Cap has grown up on a commune with his grandmother and has been home schooled there. He has had no contact with other children or the ways of the world. When his grandmother falls out of a tree Cap has to move into the home of a guidance counselor and her irritable daughter. Now he has to survive in public school. As a joke, he gets nominated and then elected President of the eighth grade class. Is this going to be a major disaster for caring, loving, and naïve Cap? Can he run the dance? Will he be able to handle the money for the dance? The reader soon gets totally wrapped around the character of this boy who doesn’t understand the world. You can’t help but love this 208 page book. This is Korman at his best… reminded me of his “A semester in the life of a garbage bag” and “Son of Interflux.”


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