Peck, Richard. Here lies the librarian
Peck, Richard. Here lies the librarian. Penguin, 2006 [978-0-14-240908-4]
Richard Peck has once again crafted a humorous tale of that time just before World War I (as he did in "A year down yonder", and "Along way from Chicago".) This story opens with a tornado upearthing some people in a graveyard so the graveyard is mentioned throughout the story. The 142 page book is mainly about a brother a sister having a garage at the start of the car era and as usual, is full of humor and interesting characters. Four girls rich girls come right out of library school to revive the town's closed library. This colorful story involves a rivalry between the two garages in town, a car race, and these girls setting up and promoting their newly reopened library. It is a colorful and enjoyable piece of historical writing.