Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Ketchum, Liza. Where the great hawk flies

Ketchum, Liza. Where the great hawk flies. Clarion, 2005 [0-618-40085-0]
This is the story of 18th century Vermont. The book opens a couple of years after an Indian raid on the town in which many people were killed and carried off to Canada. Daniel Tucker's father is of British descent while his mother a Pequot Indian (a different tribe than the raiders) and he takes after his mom. A neighbor moves in next door who had family members who were victims of the early Indian raid. Hiram is a boy from new family. This 259 page book tells of prejudice in early America. Can Daniel and Hiram become friends? Will their families learn to live near each other? Will the arrival of Daniel's mother's father aggravate the situation? There are historical notes in the back of the book explaining that this story is based on the actual family history of the author.


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