Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Baskin, Nora Raleigh. Basketball (or something like it)

Baskin, Nora Raleigh. Basketball (or something like it). HarperCollins, 2005 0-06-059610-4]
Jeremy moves from the city to the suburbs to live with his grandmother. There he joins the 6th grade basketball team. This story of sports and friends is told by four friends. It takes a while getting used to the four different people narrating (even though each chapter is labeled) because they don't follow an order. In fact sometimes a person will tell two chapters, one after the other. This 165 gets into the many aspects of sports.. sportsmanship, parental involvement, coaches, and the development of friendships. While this book is centered around basketball, the author does not get the reader wrapped up in page after page describing individual games. While this book is great for someone looking for a basketball story, it is so much more and will attract other readers.


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