Sunday, May 28, 2006

Taylor, G.P. Wormwood

Taylor, G.P. Wormwood. Putnam, 2004 [0-399-24257-0]
Once again Taylor has crafted a dark tale in 18th century London. A scientist finds a book (with a spirit of its own) called the Nemorensis. With the help of this book he predicts a comet will destroy London. This tale is full of angels, fallen angles, demons, magic,and a monster made of clay and brought to life. It is full of plots and subplots which will keep your good readers who like dark stories thoroughly entertained. This 259 page book has little white space and is a difficult read. While this book is not for everyone, it is for the group of kids who like dark and evil stories.. and we all have some kids interested in such stories.


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