Sunday, May 21, 2006

Shusterman, Neal. The Schwa was here

Shusterman, Neal. The Schwa was here. Dutton, 2004 [0-525-47182-0]
Anthony has only a couple of friends at school and one of this is Calvin Schwa. Calvin is one of those people that few people notice... someone who falls in the cracks. Unfortunately it becomes physical and Anthony and Calvin do a series of tests a discover that 4 out of 5 people actually can not see Calvin. This starts a business where people pay Calvin on dares. Unfortunately of the dares gets him and Anthony involved with a crotchety, rich man in town and his granddaughter who just happens to be blind. Both Anthony and Calvin fall for the granddaughter and the competition begins. This 228 page book takes the idea of someone who is not noticed one step further. I enjoyed it thoroughly. What will happen to Calvin?


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