Huser, Glen. Stitches
Huser, Glen. Stitches. Douglas & McIntyre, 2003 [0-8889-553-9]
Travis lives in a trail with his mom, his tough dad, the other kids. When he enters Junior High School he finds two teachers that encourage his interests in play-writing and sewing. He also becomes best friends with a physically handicapped girl. Being the only boy in the sewing class at school, Travis is picked on by rough kids at school. Thus Travis's life at school is a mix between good things and the fear of these three tough kids. For their final 9th grade project Travis joins with his friends to produce an extensive production of a Midsummer's night dream. It is a raving success but can the three tough kids let everything end happily? This 198 page book is the story of a boy not interested in "boy things" living with a tough father who doesn't understand and some kids who constantly tease him. Travis and the handicapped girl.. two kids are learning to be different.